Top 7 Buzzwords and Trends in Health for 2022

Lets be honest. My definition of trends and buzz words may be different to a lot of people.

When I think about trends and buzzwords, I think about what it is to do with health that people will focus on this year. What will be popular. What is it that people will do more of now that they did in the past. These words may not be new or cool. But its what I see people focusing on when it comes to health in 2022.

That’s why I am calling them buzzwords and trends. But really they are all just going back to basics. Keeping it simple. Not a trend at all. But I think its these words we will hear. So that makes them buzzwords in my mind!

  1. Posture - With the rise in people working from home, with poor desk setups and ergonomics, there has been an increase in poor posture, neck pain, forward head posture and back pain. Posture not only impacts the way someone looks, but also the function of your spine and nervous system and can lead to digestive, breathing and circulatory issues. More people are realising this and are taking more time to correct their posture and see a health care provider who can help with this

  2. Immune function - If COVID has shone a light on anything, it is that most people want their immune system to be functioning at its best. 2022 will be about ways to help this, and I see the focus being on simple aspects that people can control, rather than being in lockdowns and masks. I think the focus will be on things such as exercise, healthy foods, sunshine, sleep and minimising stress.

  3. Screening Tests - A lot of people put off screening tests for things such as breast cancer and skin cancer during the pandemic. These tests are vital for early detection of disease. This needs to be a priority in 2022. Please catch up on any screening tests that you may have delayed!

  4. Integrative health - People know they are complex, and that their health is as well. More people seem to be looking for practitioners who will consider all aspects of their health, and address these, instead of trying to find one quick fix. Having a group of practitioners (including traditional medicine, allied health, complementary and alternative therapies) working together to cover all aspects of health is what I see more and more people looking for. 

  5. Stress related illness - The last 2 years have been hugely stressful for so many of us. As a practitioner I am now seeing an increase in symptoms and dysfunction in people's bodies which can be associated with increased stress levels such as muscle pain and tension, headaches, jaw pain, anxiety, insomnia and digestive issues to name a few! We will be hearing about this one for a while! 

  6. Boundaries - Having boundaries doesn't make you selfish. It means you are taking control of your life and health. Working from home has made people accessible 24/7, and it needs to be ok to switch off and say no. Having boundaries around friends and family, or other stressful situations is also important, and can be key to having better mental health! It is ok to say no.

  7. Stretching - A lot of people are holding more tension in their bodies and a gentle stretch each day is a great way to help relieve this! It also gives you time to stop and breathe at the same time, helping to lessen the impact of stress on our bodies. Whilst boutique stretching studies are appearing, remember that stretching is simple, free and can be done anywhere! Just a few minutes a day may start to decrease muscle aches, pains and tension throughout your body. 

That is my top 7 buzzwords and trends in health for 2022. Simple and basic.

Want to know more about what I think about health? Head over to my Instagram

Please also keep in mind that all of this is my opinion only and based on what I see in clinic and also in my general interactions with people.