A little bit crazy, a little bit amazing …. that’s what running (aka shuffling and waddling) 47.3km on a Saturday morning is like!
Last Saturday. Lighthorse Ultra. 6 hours. Minimal training.
Was I crazy?
Was I pushing my body too far with the minimal training I had done?
Was I completely out of my league?
Could I just stand and drink coffee from the coffee van and watch and cheer on everyone else, rather than actually run? Would anyone notice?
What point am I trying to prove by doing this?
Will I even make the 6 hours? And how will I be able to move the next few days?
Just a few of the questions that went through my head in the 2 minute walk from my car to the check in desk last week. Crazy hey? Isn’t it crazy how we can be all ready, yet our mind can make us question everything?
I was there for a 6 hour event. I knew I had minimal training, and certainly on long distance training. But the aim was purely just to keep moving for the 6 hours. There was no distance I had to hit, so I could just walk for the morning if I wanted to. I mean it’s an extreme way to get some time away from the kids, but it would do, right?!?
But in all seriousness I did just want to keep moving the whole time. And I bloody surprised myself by doing 47.3km. Which is a bloody long way! And let me tell you, my legs on Sunday let me know about it
What did I learn though?
That I wasn’t “running away” from anything. I was running toward something. Something bigger. A better version of me. I don’t quite have the next goal in mind yet, but I’ll keep you posted.
That I love to run. I knew that already. This confirmed it.
My mind if more powerful that my body. Same for you. You talk yourself out of doing things before you even start, don’t you? You say “I won’t enter that race, or I won’t try that event” because I haven’t done the training, and don’t even know where my joggers are”. When you know full well you could do it, and “misplacing” your joggers is just an excuse ….. your body can. Your mind can. You just need to trust in it.
I also learnt that “keep moving” can be anything from a run, jog, walk, waddle, plod, shuffle ….anything that is one foot in front of the other, that doesn’t always look glamorous!
Also – run your own race! Don’t compare to others. Some ppl ran 140km. In 12 hours. They ran faster at the end than I did at the start of my race. Did that mean I shouldn’t do it? Hell no! Run your race. Your only competitor is you. And be proud!! Of yourself and them!
Know your why. Know why you are doing it. Write it on your hand if you need to. I did.
Was my motto for the day. My positive affirmation. My positive thought. My kick up the butt when I needed it. Know why you are doing something. That why, can simply be to see if you can. To see how far you can push your body.
Oh – and the capital letters are the first letters of my kids names …. a big why I do this, to be strong and healthy and show them anything is possible
Hydration is key I’ll leave that there. You know it wouldn’t be a blog post if I didn’t mention water.
I love good supplements! I mean seriously. I pumped in magnesium, calcium, vit d, multi mineral, anti oxidants. More anti oxidants. and some more anti oxidants. I know they helped me recover, physically. If you are pushing your system, make sure you support it. With supplements and also good nutrition in the lead up to and after. Take this into consideration with your general health. You don’t ever have to be “perfect”, it ain’t possible. But you do have to know when it is key to be pretty spot on. When it is key to hydrate amazingly and eat the best for your body, and make sure your supplements are spot on. The time for all this to be spot on is when you are pushing yourself physically and/or mentally.
On that note – having the right support from amazing practitioners is key. Let them take care of your body and mind, and don’t skip appointments I was due for an adjustment the day before the event and just couldn’t quite make it happen. I didn’t make it a priority. And when I felt my neck tighten about 8km in, I was kicking myself. It’s so easy to not make “maintenance”, “wellness” or whatever you want to call it care a priority. But in reality it so important. I know I feel so much better, run better, think clearer and sleep better when I’m adjusted, massages, stuck with needles, just to name a few. So where’d you are leading up to an event now or not …. go and book that appointment you have been putting off! Go. Now. Book it!
Finally. I’m so thankful for my tribe. My tribe at home who support me to do these crazy things. My tribe at work who just call me crazy. My new running tribe, running is solo, but I never once felt solo or alone out there, or at any event. And for that I’m grateful.
So the take home points?
Trust your body. Get the negative self talk out of your head. Distract your brain. Calculate how long left, or how fast you go, or solve the issues with the world. Distract your brain from negative. Hydrate. Know your why. Use supplements and good nutrition to support your body. Don’t miss your appointments to take care of your inside and out. Find your tribe, and do what you love.
Keep pushing.
Find something you love
Find your tribe
You can do some amazing things.
What’s your next fitness goal?
Do you need to make it bigger?
Be brave
Have fun
Do some epic sh*t
It may be crazy. It may be amazing ….. but being amazingly crazy, or crazily amazing and pretty damn fun
Aimee xo