7 things I do each week to keep my health on track

7 things I do each week to keep my health on track….and how they are simple enough for you to do too!

Health doesn’t have to be hard.

It can be simple.

Here are 7 things I (aim to) do every week to keep my health on track.

They are simple, and if done regularly, have an significant positive impact on your health and function  I feel so much better when I get them all done, mentally and physically!

1 – Drink Water : Its easy, and so important. It will help your body and mind. Signs of dehydration can include headaches, light headedness,  muscle aches and tension and poor digestion. It also helps to protect your joints, maintain organ function and sustain your body temperature.  Feeling tired? It could be dehydration. Hungry? You could actually be thirsty! So drink water peeps! It may be an easy fix for some of these symptoms for you!

2- Move your body :  Get up and get moving. It doesn’t have to be a massive high intensity F45 session, but it can be if you want it to be that. Do what feels good for you.  Yoga. Pilates. Swimming. Rock climbing. Running. Cycling. Crossfit. What ever it is for you, just make sure you take the time to move your body. Also remember about incidental exercise. Take the stairs, not the lift. Get off the bus one stop earlier. Just move your body.

3-  Feed your body well : Good nutritious food. Fresh food. Not from a packet. I know, i know, its a big generalization I am making. But I do believe that if we eat more fresh produce instead of food off a shelf in a packet, we would be better off. I don’t mean never eat from a packet. Or never eat take away and fried food. Everything in moderation. But think about it – your body and cells are constantly renewing, daily. What do you want your body to be “made” out of – a hamburger and fries, or chicken and vegetables? I know which I would prefer.

4- Plan your week : Take time to plan you week. Do a meal plan. Schedule in your workouts. Plan your work time. Plan your self care. Plan you sleep. Plan you family time. Plan whatever needs to be planned. And stick to it!! If you have meals and shopping planned, and exercise and sleep all planned, and you know whats happening and when, you are more likely to stick to it. Even better? Show someone, and stay accountable to them! Once it is scheduled its non negotiable – make it happen!

5- Sleep – Make sure you are getting good quality sleep and enough of it. We should wake up refreshed from a good night sleep. If you aren’t, you need to look at why. Could you need a new mattress or pillow? Do you need to get off your phone and the TV for an hour before bed? Do you need to make an effort to go to bed earlier? Sleep deprivation is a form of torture….so lets all do what we can, so we are getting enough sleep and not torturing ourselves! Sorry to all the parents out there who have kids waking them up and are cursing me for even mentioning sleep right now!!!

6- Do something you love and makes you laugh : This falls into that lovely category of “self care”. How much better do you feel after a good belly laugh? Or spending time with someone you love? Or taking that art class? Or simply watching and playing with the kids? Amazing right? So make sure you plan something that makes you laugh and smile. Your body and mind will thank you. And if you cant think of anything – watch some comedy on youtube…or find a funny cat video to watch….you can find something that makes you smile I am sure. Watch the opening little bit of “Love Actually”, it is the best 

7- Listen to your body : Take time to listen to your body. Does it need sleep and rest? Or does it need a run? Does it need to read a book? Do you just need a big glass of water and some good food. Do you need to catch up with friends for a glass of wine and a chat. Do you have aches and pains that you need to see your Chiropractor for? Have you been putting those little niggling symptoms to the side and do you need to see you GP, or maybe your massage therapist? Whatever it is, take time, and listen to your body. After all you know you, better than anyone else!


And that folks, are my 7 tips for simple things you can do each week to keep your health moving forward. I know that you know most of them already. But we all need a little reminding of the simple things sometimes.

And always remember, you are amazing!

Aimee xo