Chiropractic is one of the most popularly used forms of manual therapy. The term “chiropractic”, is derived from Greek roots to mean “done by hand” Find out how I take your physical, emotional and nutritional health into account in my Chiro consults.
How I make my health a priority with 3 young kids and a business …. and what happens if I don’t!
A little bit crazy, a little bit amazing...
7 things I do each week to keep my health on track
How a week of frustration reignited my passion to help you!!
Things did not go to plan for me over the last week. It all started last Thursday before I went to work. And then it seemed to snow ball from there. As did the frustrations that come with it. And then got them sort of sorted. And just when that was sorted, just as I was about to start my afternoon shift at work another massive curve ball got thrown. So we dealt with that. So that’s all good.